There are many types of styles associated with San Diego garage doors. Garages are typically large structures that affect the appearance of a home. When choosing a door for the garage, it is important to choose a style that will complement the overall style of the home. The first type of garage door that you can choose from is the traditional model. These doors are constructed of many different types of materials and many colors can be chosen. If the basic architecture of your home is American or even European, you are likely to discover that the traditional style is most appropriate for most people’s needs.
Traditional Style Doors
These are the most common doors in most homes. The doors are usually made of one solid piece, and they open straight up. When opened, they slide into the garage’s ceiling space. Some of them tend to have tracks on either side. The tracks run up to the ceiling to hold the entire section in place. While some of these doors open to the ceiling, others lift straight up and then slide back.
Carriage doors
They are garage doors made out of glass panels with an aluminum frame. They can accentuate the sleek lines of a contemporary-style house as well as allow plenty of natural light into your garage. Use them for a great transition to indoor/outdoor spaces such as a room with glass doors that opens up to an outdoor patio. The glass and frames are available in numerous colors. Of course, if you’d like to show off your vintage Ferraris, the clear glass would be an ideal choice.
Raised–panel doors
One of the most common garage door styles is the raised panel. Raised-panel garage doors have become the standard, the style most people think of when they think of garage doors. The original raised panel doors featured floating panels that fit inside a rail-and-style frame but in the modern version – such as the very common fiberglass type – the door panels are often solid and are merely designed to resemble the classic raised-panel door. The popularity of this look ensures that you can find raised-panel doors in all materials, including wood, fiberglass, aluminum, or steel; and with a full list of garage door options from which to choose.
Consider Your Home
When choosing a style as far as your garage door is concerned, it is important to consider the basic appearance of your home. The architectural style is very important. If you live in a small home that you want to make appear larger, raised panels and the use of glass in the garage door can assist in adding this effect. Choosing the right door for your garage may prove to be a challenging task. If you research the styles that are available on the market today, you are sure to find a style that matches the needs of your home.
Talk to ADS Automatic Door Specialists to find out which door style is the best compliment for your home and get more information on accents and customizations. Visit our website for more details.